Here we have Halyomorpha halys, also known as the brown marmorated stink bug, or simply the stink bug. (Yes, I copy and pasted that from Wikipedia...)
And right now, I'm fighting a losing battle against these little buggers.
Stink bugs (or as my 3-year old Dash likes to call them, stinky bugs) like to find any entrance they can fit through and hang around your house for the winter, funking up your place with their trademark stench. (Which probably can't be worse than stinky diapers, but it's the principle, ya know?)
But, for me, the worst part is the clumsy night flying. Here I am, trying to sleep on my uncomfortable pull-out bed when I hear this buzzing, followed by a thump as it crashes into my lamp or window shade or wall. Also, just the appearance of four to six of them chillin' on my windowpane like it's flippin' Cheers is the grossest thing! (I swear, if I hear one of them shout "Norm!", I'm out!)
More about this horrible creature (which is more annoying than dangerous, but still) at:
In other news, here's Dash with a cereal box on his head:
P.S. I had to change blog sites. My last site was not very user-friendly, so I went with Google, a.k.a the Company that is slowly taking over the world...
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